Short Game 2.0 is a graphical aid for putting and chipping for use during practice and play. Purchase the in app subscription and obtain full access to the Short Game closed loop training system for putting and chipping. Try Short Game free for the first month. Cancel at any time and retain access to the surface level feature.
Short Game uses the iPhones internal sensors to create a surface level that determines the break, aiming line and swing length for putts and chips. For chipping Short Game also provides the right club to carry the ball onto the green and roll to the hole for all lies around the green. Short Game also uses the iPhones internal gyros to create the short game scope (similar to a flight scope) that monitors key swing characteristics of your swing during practice for both putting and chipping. This requires a cradle for your iPhone that you can construct from a readily available putter bag clip and iPhone case (see DIY video in app). Using the short game scope you can monitor your ball path face angle, toe angle, dynamic loft, swing length and tempo and compare against tour level performance. You can also use the short game scope to compare your swing length and ball path and compare against the required swing length and aim from the green reading feature. This will rapidly improve your performance as all variables affecting short game performance are monitored and controlled.
Short Game accounts for the green speed, firmness, slope and distance. Improve your green reading by comparing your read to the Short Game read. During play use the speech recognition feature to seamlessly enter data via simple voice commands. Short Game will improve distance control, aiming, reduce 3 putting and increase your up and downs when chipping. You can set up a precise pre game warmup routine by recalling measured slopes/lies around the practice green and then monitor your the swing length, tempo and aim prior to play. Short Game is fast and easy to sue with built-in tutorials for every feature. The Short Game green reading and short game scope algorithms have been confirmed using professional test equipment.